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Consultant/Author Susan K. Maciak
Books with a Purpose | Self-Improvement & Career Advancement Advice & Training Programs
Professional Writing & Editing Services | Promotional PR-Communications | Career Coaching
Books with a
Click on any book and Scroll down to order. Books for Teens to Adults Children's Storybook
Promotional Writing | Resume Writing
Web Content | Social Media Blurbs | Blogs
PowerPoint Training Programs
eLessons via Email | Career Coaching
Self-Help Books | PowerPoints
Marketing Materials
Claim Your Place in Today's Job Market. Find out where 21st century jobs are -- and learn how to make one of them your own. Being a milk man is no longer a viable career option, but many, new, exciting jobs have replaced the role of black smiths, umbrella repairers and other outdated occupations. Which job is for you?
Market Yourself to Land a Job You'll Love. Beat the competition in today's job market with a personal marketing plan. Understand how to market yourself when meeting prospective employers. Find out how to sell yourself in an interview and get hired.
How to Shop for the Job You Want. Find out how to navigate through today’s job market. Know where to look for 21st-century jobs and what to do to land one.
How to Ace a Job Interview. Answer interview questions by anticipating what you will be asked. Find out what to say, what not to say, and how to pass a job interview with an A+. Be in it to win it!
Develop Winning Work Habits. Just what does it take to make a company notable . . . or a career successful? Identify, learn and practice good work habits that turn companies and their employees into valuable assets.
Build Loyalty & Ownership in Your Staff. Learn how to inspire employees to believe in their company's mission, buy into its goals, appreciate what they produce and take pride and ownership in success.