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Books with a Purpose | Inspirational | Motivational | Personal & Professional Development | Self-Help
Author-Consultant Susan K. Maciak
Books with a
Click on any book and Scroll down to order. Books for Teens to Adults Children's Storybook
cameo100. com . . . Hundreds of ways to improve your odds for success!
Promotional Writing | Resume Writing
Web Content | Social Media Blurbs | Blogs
PowerPoint Training Programs
eLessons via Email | Career Coaching
Self-Help Books | PowerPoints
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KUDOS from Clients
We have especially appreciated your insight and experience with corporate image building. Your understanding and application of communications to web content development and other types of writing have been invaluable to us. – Carlos Valladares, Owner, Aim Up, CIS Agency/Corporate Image Services
Thank you for helping our staff learn new skills in customer service and handling customer complaints. – Ken Stanton, Department Head, Grand Valley State University
I feel blessed to have met you and to have CAMEO help us launch our blog and write relevant articles for our followers. Awesome! – Will Ellermets, CEO/Founder, Battle of the Gains
The promotional packet you developed for an Education Products & Services Show is an award winner. – President, Michigan School Public Relations Association.
What can I say? The presentation you provided for our school district is wonderful and has exceeded our expectations. – Superintendent, Mt. Morris Consolidated Schools.
Just a few of our satisfied clients include:
100 Unit Club
Advanced Asset Management LLC
Aim Up
Battle of the Gains
Beyond 26
City of Grand Blanc Rec Department
City to Shore Real Estate
Corporate Image Services
Eastern Michigan University
Five Star Real Estate
Grand Rapids Pallet
Grand Valley State University
Michigan Association of School Boards
State of Michigan
Michigan Association of Senior Centers
Mt. Morris Senior Center
Mundus Group
Nicholas Cetlinski Story
Precision Wire EDM Services
- SOL - Sustained Organic Living
- Michigan Works! Employment Agency
- The Sunflower House
- West Ottawa Public Schools
- Veldkamp Enterprises
- Hundreds of Individual Job Seekers