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Author-Consultant Susan K. Maciak
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cameo100. com . . . Hundreds of ways to improve your odds for success!
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Marketing Materials
1. Communicate for Career Success. What to say . . . and what not to say in job interviews, to customers and to the media. Avoid slips!
2. 10 Cs: Ten Critical Components of Communication. Build credibility and customer confidence by communicating clearly and confidently.
3. Communicating in a Crisis . . . or a Conundrum. Make your words count. Keep customers coming in both good and bad times.
4. Basic Communication for Business Success. Learn everything you need to successfully position yourself or your company for success.
5. Build Business with Better Communication. Thrive in business with key techniques to convey ideas, craft messages and create interest.
6. Make Memorable Speeches & Presentations. Plan and present presentations that grab audiences and get your points across clearly.
7. What Are People Skills, Anyway? Add up to 100 interpersonal skills and increase your likeability and your ability to influence others.
8. PR is Everybody's Business. Develop a perfect PR plan for your organization; build confidence in your business with public relations.
9. Networking Nicely. Find out how to be cosmic networkers who can convey key messages with warmth and make new friends in a crowd.
10. What Does Your Non-Verbal Language Say About You? Make your unspoken communications speak for you, rather than against you.
11. Take Full Advantage of Your Phone Power. Turn your telephone into a tremendous tool to take your company to the highest levels.
13. Crack into Your Creativity. Maximize your creative side. Be more idea-prone, more productive and more valuable in today's job market.
14. Capitalize on Staff Innovation. Tap into the creative power of your staff.. Unleash their creative potential, abd watch your company grow.
15. Creative Writing & Imagination Building. Learn how to think outside the box and put new concepts into words, paragraphs and essays.
16. Critcal Thinking & Technical Writing. The future belongs to those who can tackle issues others can't imagine . . . and put them in writing.
17. College & Career Writing. Ace your college papers or impress the boss with your writing skills. Packing WOW into all your writing work.
118. Desktop Publishing. Learn basics of producing promotional
pieces on your computer that look good enough to mail to clients.sells!
CAMEO Training Topics
CAMEO Cutting-Edge Courses & Training Programs
19. Create a Customer Service Climate. Reign over your competition.
Make customer service king. Keep customers coming back.
20. Customer Service Secrets Every Manager Should Know. Whether you sell hamburgers, stocks and bonds or BMWs, customer service
21. Work Your Way to Sales Success. Learn little things that make a big difference. Ten tiny tips for making the big sale.
22. Market Anything You Want to Sell. Whether you're marketing products or services or marketing yourself at an interview, get smart.
23. Make Decisions & Solve Problems Like Pros. Quit procrastinating. Make critical decisions wisely. Solve problems pragmatically.
24. Leverage Your Leadership Potential. From taking a stand to forming a vision, acquire leadership skills you need to succeed.
25. Make Yourself or Your Managers Better Leaders. Maximize your leadership ability by learning how to set goals, get organized and do it!
26. Manage Stress and Accomplish More. On a fast-paced merry-go-round? Make small changes to reduce stress in the workplace.
27. Plan your Own Luck! No More Superstition: Dispel myths about getting lucky. Develop powerful planning skills to change your luck.
28. Put Time on Your Side. Do less, accomplish more with time management strategies that work. Sharpen your focus to reach dreams.
29. Build Company Loyalty & Ownership. Work together on a 1-3 year plan. Define your company's mission, goals and strategies as a group.
30. Claim Your Place in Today's Job Market. Find out where the jobs are and learn what you need to know to make one of them yours.
31. Market Yourself. Land a job you'll love. Beat the competition with a top-notch self-marketing plan . . . and an interview that seals the deal.
32. Add to Your Edge. Know 12 new ways to excel in the 21st century and learn how to use them to climb higher on the career ladder.
ORDER any of these standard CAMEO training programs . . . OR . . . Let us develop a custom-made PowerPoint program to suit your staff training needs. Questions: